The Man's Dating Decision Notebook

A Guru Notebook for Making Solid Dating Decisions for Men


Does dating have to be an arduous experience? Why do so many men overwhelm, shackle, depress, and stress themselves out over the dating experience? Does it have to suck? The answer is…no.

The world of dating has changed, but not all is lost. This is an era of self-discovery. You have to know what it is you truly want and need before committing your time to a person. As a man, your time and energy are incredibly valuable. Don’t waste them!

Whether you just started dating someone, are looking for a female companion, or simply don’t know what it is that you want, then start with utilizing this streamlined notebook for your benefit. The man who puts in the effort to objectively observe and assess his short-term and long-term relationships has more control and power to make smart decisions for his future.

Don’t concern yourself with petty thoughts such as: Does she find me attractive? Can I please her? Am I the guy she desires? Will she be loyal to me in the long-term? Does she respect me? Will I make her happy? These questions are not helpful to the ultimate goal, which is ensuring you preserve, honor, and strengthen your freedom, inner peace, and energy. Don’t lose your legacy by chasing a unicorn. Get smart!

Start thinking about your dating experiences differently. Think like an objective observer, as if you were mentoring a friend. Hopefully, this streamlined notebook will help you do just that. This easy-to-use and efficient notebook will help guide you to make a decision that preserves your legacy as a hard-working, intelligent, and determined man.

Each date (girlfriend) entry consists of a front and back page that consists of a series of essential questions and a few areas for you to describe, note, and keep track of important determinants.

P.S. If you feel comfortable enough to share a dating experience, feel free to do so in the comments section online via any of the sites that sell this notebook.