Core Values

A Guru Notebook to Understand and Explore Your Core Values

What is most important to you in life? What causes you to act? What influences you to make decisions? What emboldens and strengthens your growth as a human being?

These questions have unique and profound answers, many of which can be summed up with two words: Core Values.

If you’ve never taken the time and effort to consider your core values, now is a great time to do so. Discovering and understanding the values that guide your behavior toward self and others will be an exercise you won’t regret. Few people are keenly aware of the reasons why they behave particularly toward themselves and others. Most people unconsciously behave on autopilot, only to be consumed with confusion, indecisiveness, or anxiety as a result of not knowing what they innately value. If that describes you, don’t worry, because discovering and understanding your core values will help immensely.

This notebook consists of fifty entries that allow you to name, describe, ponder, and understand your unique core values. Each entry consists of a front and back page. The front page lets you name the value, explains why it’s essential, and prompts you to describe moments in your life when the value compelled you to act. The back page has space for you to note how you honor the core value, describe how it empowers and encourages your inner being, and asks you to identify admirable people who exhibit this value. Also, there is a “Content” section for you to list your core values for easy future reference.

Keep in mind, people often abandon their innate core values to adopt the values of others. That is a common occurrence, especially when people are trading in their true identities for manufactured ones. At the beginning of each entry are two simple questions that ask you about the importance and authenticity of the core value.

At the end of the notebook is a “Main Core Values” page – you can use this page for noting your primary core values.

May this notebook help you mindfully explore your core values.

P.S. If you feel comfortable enough to share an insight, feel free to do so in the comments section online via any of the sites that sell this notebook.