Coffee breaks offer great opportunities to reflect on life, whether professionally or personally. Never waste a coffee break.
Even a ten or fifteen-minute coffee break is enough time to calm down, relax, and observe unique thoughts, capture ideas that needed to be discovered or rediscovered, and ponder the positive things in your life. A coffee break, if used wisely, can allow you to re-center, breathe, and find equilibrium.
This streamlined and easy-to-use notebook allows you to record your thoughts during coffee breaks. The notebook consists of fifty entries, each with a front and back page, and questions to help guide and prompt your thoughts. Also, you’re encouraged to enter a title for each coffee break in the “Content” area, or simply use the date or location – this allows for easy future reference.
The front page lets you record any general thoughts you’re experiencing, along with noting your main priority for the day and one small thing you can do to improve before day’s end. The back page has space for you to list something you’re thankful for, as well as space for ideas and questions if they arise. Don’t feel obligated to fill in all the areas – they are simply guides.
Consider this your personal notebook to be used during coffee breaks. Use it according to your liking. Hopefully, this notebook will serve to benefit your life and will be a tool of encouragement for your happiness.
Recording our thoughts during coffee breaks is an invaluable practice. With so many expectations and demands thrust on people by a chaotic world, don’t get lost in the noise. Take time during your coffee breaks to ease the tension, refresh, and awaken.
May you have wonderful, insightful, and enlightening coffee breaks.
P.S. If you feel comfortable enough to share an insight, feel free to do so in the comments section online via any of the sites that sell this notebook.